Monday, August 28, 2006

It's all over but the Blogging.

See you next year.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

As Uncle Gordy would say "You Suck !"

We won our first game this AM vs Grateful Head
but bowed out (dis)gracefully to the '83 T-Ball Champs.
Thanks for a great season !!

Temporary relief

Saturday, August 26, 2006

More crash helmets

We came in second, in each of two games.

Defeated by '83 t-ball champs and the CityTv somebodies.

Nearly bugless

At least there's no mosquitoes out at
West St. Paul Softball Complex

Merle makes stuff happen

A mere days after the "Coconut Noise Affair" Merle has all the kids outfitted in protective headgear.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Saving the leg for the wedding march

Kaleigh will stride down the aisle on Labour day or thereabouts, making step-daughter Emily an honest woman.

One more shot of Audrey's bottom

Somehow, even in a cheesecake pic of other women,
Audrey manages to hijack the shot.

UPDATE: It turns out that it's Pat's bottom.


Following the "Coconut noise" episode,
all fans are now advised to wear crash helmets.


Casting his veteran eye over the Premium Cocktails lineup.

Swing baddah !!

Not good

Not only is Buttox running the wrong way,
he's already out.

Don Diego Mestagho

Just for laughs,
a shot of someone playing ball.


One of our best fans.
He doesn't yet compete for beer.


Sometimes, they think too much.

Zesty and flavourful

Blair enjoys his tall mocha-latte with a twist.

Partial-hearted endorsement

At last, a local brew available in cans...

shame it tastes like #$%.

It would be great if it was ACTUALLY 50%


This photo was taken before crash helmets became mandatory for all Premium Cocktails fans.

See, I'm not the only one...

Kelli likes pix of cute chix too.

So, who are these guys ?

Photos by Kelli

I'm sure these pix are from another mighty PC victory.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Every shot of Shaun looks the same

Hopefully he won't study Lloyd's style of "change"

Happy ?

We aren't the calibre of players that he's used to...

Blair plays with us anyway.

Action !

View of Third Base

Our dugout was blinding but we had a good view of third.


It seems the girls are working together to get a shot of Audrey's booty.

Count on Kev

Each week i can count on KBart to provide some sort of amusing shot.

The Fan Base

Some of our loyal camp followers.

Might as well

For variety, i thought i might just throw in a shot of someone playing ball.

Crush it !!

Dawn gives 'er nails.

The brain trust

Merle doesn't mind filling in all those little diamonds.

More Cheesecake

Kelli claims to have photos covering the interval when i was away.
Maybe we could all put pressure on her to come across. (with pix)


Richard provides
"one for the ladies"


Audrey's weekly cheesecake appearance.

Boo Boo Repairs

At least, there was no blood this week.

One of THEM !

I told this guy the web address of this blog.
If he passed it on... good.

If not ...

Turn and Burn

Shaun turns a single into a homer.

Presenting the CBC "Lemmings"

The mighty Jane Graham brought her Lemmings to Omands Creek on August 16th.
Perfect temp. No rain. Justa-bout no mosquitoes.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Convicts- take note !!

Fleeing is futile, lookit the wheels on this one !!

Justin, some chick, and Richard

Two of the three people in this photo hit multiple home runs.

Fan base

As Homer Simpson says "As soon as they learn to talk, they learn to talk back"

For the ages

Future photo-archaeologists will wonder if my neck is always at this angle.
And how many mates i had.